pert.6 prakTCC mencoba dockerfile
sebelum kita memulai erlebih dahulu kita mendownload terlebih dahulu. kemudian file tersebut diekstrak.
untuk membuat dockerfile kita harus masuk ke direktori alpinenginx terlebig dahulu dengan perintah cd alpinenginx

setelah itu kita membuat dockerfile dengan perintah vim index.html
kemudian mengetikkan di dalam file index.html
<doctype html>
<title> dockerfile coba </title>
<h3> tes docker</h3>
kemudian kita membuat default.conf
dengan isi
selanjutnya kita membuat builld dockerfile dengan nama alpinenginx(nama bebas misal satunginx) nantinya akan menjadi nama pada image.
kemudian kita jalankan dockerfile ersebut dengan memanggil nama image tadi.
berikut gambar

untuk membuat dockerfile kita harus masuk ke direktori alpinenginx terlebig dahulu dengan perintah cd alpinenginx
setelah itu kita membuat dockerfile dengan perintah vim index.html
kemudian mengetikkan di dalam file index.html
<doctype html>
<title> dockerfile coba </title>
<h3> tes docker</h3>
kemudian kita membuat default.conf
dengan isi
FROM alpine:3.2
RUN apk add --update nginx && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
RUN mkdir -p /tmp/nginx/client-body
COPY nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
COPY nginx/default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
COPY web /usr/share/nginx/html
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
Kemudian simpan dengan nama Dockerfile berformat all type pada folder alpinenginx.selanjutnya kita membuat builld dockerfile dengan nama alpinenginx(nama bebas misal satunginx) nantinya akan menjadi nama pada image.
kemudian kita jalankan dockerfile ersebut dengan memanggil nama image tadi.
berikut gambar
Laporan praktikum TCC pertemuan 1
Dalam pertemuan pertama di teknologi Cloud Computing diajarkan ilmu baru tentang penggunaan Google keep, Google Form, Google docs seta Google hanghout.
saya akan sharing apa yang sya terima dari praktikum pertam ini tentang :
langsung aja untuk menggunakan google keep pertama kita harus login menggunakan akun google ya. jangan pake yang lain. hahaa :D
kemudian kita langsung bisa membuat catatan, list tugas ataupun pengingat pada halaman utama google keep.
berikut adalah tampilan ,emu utama google keep

selanjutnya kita tinggal membuat catatan yang kita inginkan. jangan lipa klik selesai untuk menyimpan catatan yang kita buat. :)


kita tinggal mengisikan list list yang akan dibuat. dengan mengklik tanda tanmab(+) pada form di atas. kemudian klik selseai.
membuat reminder atau pengingat
untuk membuat pengingat kita bisa langsung klik icon pengingat pada menu bar. lebih jelasnya lihat gambar berikut :


oh iya buat tambahan. reminder sebenarnya bisa dibuat ketika kita membuat catatan atau list, tetapi kita harus mensetting agar pengingat aktif, yakni dengan cara mengklik icon reminder yang ada pada form tiap2
saya akan sharing apa yang sya terima dari praktikum pertam ini tentang :
Google Keep
langsung aja untuk menggunakan google keep pertama kita harus login menggunakan akun google ya. jangan pake yang lain. hahaa :D
kemudian kita langsung bisa membuat catatan, list tugas ataupun pengingat pada halaman utama google keep.
berikut adalah tampilan ,emu utama google keep
membuat catatan
untuk membuat catatan kita bisa langusng mengetikan pada form di bagian atas sehingga akan otomatis tampil seperti iniselanjutnya kita tinggal membuat catatan yang kita inginkan. jangan lipa klik selesai untuk menyimpan catatan yang kita buat. :)
membuat list tugas
untuk membuat list tugas, klik ikon list pada samping form catatan. lebih jelasnya seprti gambar berikut :kita tinggal mengisikan list list yang akan dibuat. dengan mengklik tanda tanmab(+) pada form di atas. kemudian klik selseai.
membuat reminder atau pengingat
untuk membuat pengingat kita bisa langsung klik icon pengingat pada menu bar. lebih jelasnya lihat gambar berikut :
oh iya buat tambahan. reminder sebenarnya bisa dibuat ketika kita membuat catatan atau list, tetapi kita harus mensetting agar pengingat aktif, yakni dengan cara mengklik icon reminder yang ada pada form tiap2
belajar menggunakan docker-teknologi cloud compitung pertemuan 3
Docker adalah merupakan aplikasi/software opensource yang berfungsi sebaai tempat/container untuk menampung beberapa software sehingga software tersebu dapat berjalan dalam sebuah virtualmechine.
berikut beberapa command dalam menggunakan docker
1. docker ps : menampilkan semua proses yang berjalan.
2. docker images : menampilkan semua image yg berjalan
3. docker pull busybox : mendownload image busybox
4. docker run alpine : menjalankan image alpine
5. docker run -i -t alpine : menjalankan image alpine
6. docker stop 338 : menghentikan proses dengan 3 digit awal id container
7. docker rm 338 : menghapus proses dengan 3 digit awal id container
8. docker start 338 : menjalankan proses dengan 3 digit awal id container
9. docker diff 338 : menampilkan perubahan yang telah terjadi pada 3 digit awal id container
dokumentasi praktikum tek. cloud menggunakan cassandra
untuk menggunakan demo cassandra kita dapat megkases di dengan memilih devloper walktrought. kemudian akan tampil jendela command . disinilah kita akan liatihan menggunakan cassandara
pertam membuat database yg telah ada dan menggunakan databasenya dengan perintah sbb :
membuat tabel
menginputkan data
menampilkan data
mengedit/update data
pertam membuat database yg telah ada dan menggunakan databasenya dengan perintah sbb :
membuat tabel
menginputkan data
menampilkan data
mengedit/update data
tugas praktek teknologi cloud computig(postgreSQL)
1. menampilkan nama depan, nama belankang seluruh customer

2. menampilkan hanya customer yang bernama belakang 'White'

3. menampilkan jumlah transaksi yg di atas 5 USD yakni ada 10978 baris

4, menampilkan film dg rating tertinggi secara ascending

5. tamilkan customer_id, nama customer, amount, tanggal pembaaran yang lebih ari 5 USD

6. rubah tahun rilis film judul Chamber Italian menjadi 2007
data awal

update data pada film judul Chamber Italian menjadi 2007

hasil update

2. menampilkan hanya customer yang bernama belakang 'White'
3. menampilkan jumlah transaksi yg di atas 5 USD yakni ada 10978 baris
4, menampilkan film dg rating tertinggi secara ascending
5. tamilkan customer_id, nama customer, amount, tanggal pembaaran yang lebih ari 5 USD
6. rubah tahun rilis film judul Chamber Italian menjadi 2007
data awal
update data pada film judul Chamber Italian menjadi 2007
hasil update
gerai getuk 158 kaliwungu |
Getuk memang sangat identik dengan kota magelang. Tapi bukan berarti di Kaliwungu kita tidak bisa menjumpai Getuk Magelang ini. Di sana, tepatnya di sekitar Alun-alun Masjid Al-Muttaqin Kaliwungu kita bisa menemukan Gethuk khas Magelang.
Ada sekitar 3 orang yang berjualan getuk khas Magelang ini. Mereka masih bersaudara. Salah satunya adalah “ Getuk 158 Kaliwungu ” buatan Ibu Ngatemi yang berjualan di depan Parkir Timur Masjid Al-Muttaqin Kaliwungu. Getuk buatan Ibu Ngatemi agak berbeda dengan getuk buatan saudara-saudaranya yang lain. Dari sisi warna memang getuk buatan Ibu Ngatemi tidak semenarik yang lain. Namun rasanya sangat nikmat di bandingkan dengan yang lain.
Yang istimewa lagi adalah Ibu Ngatemi tidak menggunakan bahan-bahan pengawet atau bahan-bahan pemoles untuk mempercantik tampilan gethuknya. Manisnya menggunakan Gula pasir asli. Putihnya tidak putih sekali, agak sedikit mangkak, tetapi natural. Begitu juga dengan warna-warna yang lain. Juga tidak menggunakan pengawet, jadi tidak tahan lama. Paling banter cuma sehari.
Apa keistimewaan gethuk buatan Ibu Ngatemi ini sebenarnya?
Sebenarnya getuk 158 Kaliwungu adalah getuk Trio Magelang, namun ditangan Ibu Ngatemi gethuk yang semula berasa coklat, hijau, putih dan pink. Kini menjadi bermacam-macam warna dan bentuk. Ada yang bentuknya kotak, lapis tiga warna dan ada juga gethuk yang dibuat bulat dengan kombinasi putih dan coklat, hijau dan merah, kuning dan hijau, dan sebagainya. Selain bentuknya yang bermacam-macam, citarasa di setiap warna juga bermacam-macam pula, seperti (hijau : pandan, pink : frambos, putih : santan, coklat : mocca, dan kuning : durian). Walaupun sudah dikreasikan menjadi getuk 158 kaliwungu, kita tetap bisa merasakan rasa singkongnya yang masih original.
Meskipun hanya dijual dengan sistem kaki lima, tapi getuk buatan Ibu Ngatemi adalah getuk terenak di Kaliwungu. Dan juga menerima pesanan untuk berbagai acara. Dengan harga yang terjangkau, Getuk 158 ini banyak diminati masyarakat di kalangan manapun. Hanya dengan Rp 5000 kita sudah bisa menikmati sepincuk getuk 158 yang nikmat. Cocok juga di buat oleh-oleh saat bepergian dengan Rp 10.000/kardus.
Jika anda berminat dengan gethuk buatan Ibu Ngatemi, langsung saja mampir ke kios yang bertuliskan GETUK 158 KALIWUNGU Ibu Ngatemi. Disini juga melayani pemesanan melalui telepon dan bisa diantar ke tempat tujuan. Dengan memesan melalui nomor WA : 08975415858.
“Jalan-jalan ke Kaliwungu belum lengkap tanpa mampir dan mencicipi Getuk 158 KHAS Kaliwungu buatan Ibu Ngatemi.”
Contoh Proposal Skripsi mapping Word technique CHAPTER III
A. The Type of The Research
The researcher tries to find out the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary mastery by using the mapping word technique. The type of this research is experimental. The researcher gives treatment to the fourth grade students of SD N Jurangombo 1 Magelang. There are two groups. Group A is an experimental group and Group B is a control group. For the experimental group is teaching with the mapping word technique and the control geoup is teaching with Flash Card.
The researcher could determine that experimental research is the sign used for explaining data in future situation and to observe the possibility of Causal-effect by giving treatment to compare the result. The method that used in this research is decriptive quantitative method, where it uses a field as n object observation describling a situation in present time.
A. The Polulation
The researcher takes place in SD Negeri Jurangombo 1 Magelang where all of the fourth grade students are involve. Based on the data of the students, the researcher find there were 10 females and 10 males, so total population is 20 students. Almost the student comes from the local area of Karet Magelang. This school has English lesson that is given to the fourth grade as the first level to learn English lesson.
B. The Sample and Sampling Technique
The sample to be investigated is taken randomly. The number of sample are 20 students. In this case, the researcher divide the class into two groups. The students in class A as an experimental group and the students in class B is control group. The sampling technique that used is the Simple Random Design (SRD)Technique in which every student of the population has same opportunities to be sample of research.
In this research, the procedure for collecting data will be done by using a test. The test in this research will be employed to know the students’ vocabulary mastery before the students get treatment and after get treatment.
C. The Technique of Collecting Data
To get collecting the objective data, the writer will apply the steps as follows:
1. Test
The researcher observes variables and collects the data by using test as the main instrument. It consists of:
a. The Pre-test
The first test before the writer applies the method teaching vocabulary by used the Mapping Words technique.
b. The Post-test
The second test after the writer applied the method teaching of vocabulary by used the Mapping words technique, to know how far distinction of developing student’s mastery in vocabulary.
1. Questionnaires
The questionnaires are one of the research instruments. The researcher uses the open questioner. It is only for the English teacher, where the aim to know how far the relationship among methods. The researcer has determined the answer to be marked by the respondents (teachers).the researcher takes some questions as the research instrument as follows.
a. To dig information deeply, about teaching and learning process.
b. The result is easy to be reported.
c. The respondents will return the questioner quickly
D. Experimental Procedure
The procedure of activity of the treatment of both groups is as follow :
a. Opening
- Greeting
- The teacher prepares the material.
b. Main activity
- The teacher introduces about the material.
- The teacher asks to the students a question about the material with flash card.
- The students answer about the question.
- The teacher gives feedback.
c. Closing
- The teacher concludes the material.
- The teacher closses the meeting.
The teacher gives evaluation for the student by giving some question
The teacher gives evaluation for the student.
E. The Method of Data Analysis
The data analysis method used in research is comparative analysis, the researcher comparated the scores of the experimental group and the control group. So the researcher knows wheter or no there is significant difference in the result between the two groups. In order to know the level of ability of the group, they are given pre-test before treatment. In this case the researcher uses t-test simple randomized.
The formula of t-test Simple Random Design (SRD) is as follow:




Notes :
Ma : the average score of group A in pre-test/post-test
Mb : the average score of group B in pre-test/post-test
Xa : the standard deviation of Ma
Xb : the standard deviation of Mb
Na : the total sample of group A
Nb : the total sample of group B
To : the coeficient of the means difference
If the result shows that To is less or equal with t-table, the hypothesis stated that the ability level of Experimental Group and Control Group is accepted. The researcher also uses the same procedure to know whether there is significant difference of the two groups after giving the treatment.
The accepted or refusal of those hypothesis is base on the degree of freedom of each test and coefficient is obtained from the calculation of statistics (Na+Nb-2). The degree of freedom of each t-test in this research is the amount of the groups that is (10+10-2)=18.
From the table of significance 5% (Ho) the result of t-test is higher than the figure shown on t-table. However, if the result of t-test is more or equal with the figure on t-table, Ho is refused and Ha is accepted.
F. Statistical Hypoteses
A statistic hypotheses is a hypotheses that is tested through data analysis statistically. The statistical hypotheses in this research are :
1. There is a significant difference of the students’ vocabulary mastery in English learning between those who are taught using The Mapping Word technique and those who are taught using Flash Card.
2. The students whose teacher uses The Mapping Word technique have better in vocabulary mastery than the students whose use Flash Card.
Contoh Proposal Skripsi Chapter II Mapping Word Technique
1. Writing
a. Definition of Writing
Writing is considered as one of the four language skills besides listening, speaking, writing and reading. There are many definitions of writing.
Allen (1991:95) statesthat writing is much more than an orthographic symbolization of speech ; it is most importantly, a purposeful selection and organization of experience.
According to Holme’s opinion writing is simply a way to represent spoken language (Holme, 2004:111). Barli gives definition of writing as ‘to write, to try, to produce or reproduce written messages’ (Barli, 1995;7). It means, before writing, we need to determine what to write and how to write. Brown writes on his book that ‘writing was primarily a conversation for reconding speech and for reinforcing grammaticaly and lexical features of language. He also states the uniqueness of writing as a skill with its own features and convention’ (Brown, 2004 ; 218).
From those explanations above, it can be concluded that writing is the ability to express ideas or exploring experiences, thoughts or even feelings in written symbols to make the readers understand about what are conveyed.
b. Component of Writing
Jacob (1981:58) states, there are five significant components of writing. They are content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics.
1. Content
There are at least two things which can be measured in connection with content; the points thet are presented and formal signals given the reader to guide in understanding the topic fully.
2. Organization
The process of organizing materials in writing involves coherence, order to importance, general to specific to general, chronological order and special order pattern.
1. Vocabulary
Vocabularyis one of the language aspects dealing with the process of writing. The process of writing is the process when the researcher always thinks about putting words into sentence and putting sentence into paragraph and with these we construct whole essay and story. We use special words, phrase, sentences, and paragraph that relate to each other. The result is a stretch of language that we have composed writing. It is clear now that we can not write write or express our ideas if we lack of vocabulary.
2. Language Use
For language use in writing descriptive text and other forms of eriting, it involves correct usage and points of grammar or structure. Grammar is one of important components in writing. It governs utterances that we produce to be right and orderly. Therefore it also has great influence in the quality of writing.
3. Mechanics
Mechanics of writing deals with capitalization, speeling, and punctuation. Capital letters have teo principels used in English writing. First, they may be used to between particular and general classes of person, place, and things. There are some special situations that require the use of capital letter. First word is quotation or formal statement etc.
From the Jacob’s statments the writer gives conclusion the important of components of writing such as :
a. Content is limited the measured the connection from the theme.
b. Organization is makes the coherence from the sentences, chronological order and special order pattern.
c. Vocabulary is one aspect of the language aspects that uses the writer to putting words into sentences and then putting sentence into paragraph and with these the writer constructs whole essay and story.
d. For language use in writing involves correct usage and points of grammar or structure.
e. Mechanics used the writer to give Capitalization, speeling, and punctuation in a sentence.
According the Jacob’s statements the writer must use components of writing to make a good sentence or paragraph.
2. Text
a. Definition of text
Derewianka (1995;78) says that the text is only meaningful stretch of language-oral or written. But of course not all texts are the same and functional model of language tries to describe the ways in which they differ.
When someone uses language to write, he will create texts. When he reads, he will have been interpreting texts. When someone talks and listen, he also creates and interprets text. A text is a product of a particular context of culture and context of situation. Someone needs to understand a text in term of the context in which it is produced. The differences in text because of the choices that he makes from the language system (Board of Studies NSW, 1994;67)
From the above statments, it can summarized that a text is a product of particular contexts of culture and context of situation in oral or written form.
b. Genre or Text Type
According to Gerrot and Wignell’s (1994;17) oinions, genre can be defined as a cultural specific text-type which result from using language (written and spoken) to help accomplish something.
There are fourteen common genres according to Gerrot and Wignell’s (1994;192) opinion. They are recount, spoof, report, analytical exposition, news item, anecdote, narrative, procedure, description, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, reviews, and commentary.
c. Descriptive text
23. The techniques to teach writing skills
What techniques did early schools and tutors use to imbue their pupils with such fine writing skills? Teachers are often surprised to learn that the simple technique of copying great writing was the foundation of many early writing programs. There are techniques to teach :
a. Providing students with things worth copying.
b. Make sure that they have access to great books of interest to them.
c. Ask students to bring in their own favorites. Talk about what they like about their favorite books.
d. Move into a discussion of what makes a great writer. Some points that might be brought up include good use of modifiers, making the reader feel like he or she can experience the book through his or her senses, and keeping things easy to read, and yet exciting and new. Discussion will vary depending on the age of the students, but any student who can enjoy a story should be able to think about what makes one story better than another.
1. The best way to teach basic writing skills
a. Dictation; to demonstrate the organization, teach useful vocabulary & sentence structures
b. Analysis; using the dictation paragraph(s) and other model paragraphs, students identify the topic sentence, body sentences, supporting information and concluding sentence.
c. Imitation; students practice by completing incomplete paragraphs (adding a topic sentence, signal words or supporting information for instance).
d. Application; students plan (outline), write, rewrite, edit and publish a paragraph. We use the standard writing process and I mark the second drafts using editing symbols. I assess the final copy by using a writing rubric.
2. Mapping Words Technique
a. The definition of mapping word technique
Concept Maps are diagrams that represent organized knowledge (Novak & Gowin, 1984). This report is a summary and integration of published literature on the uses of Concept Maps to support human learning and workplace performance. It contains a summary of studies pertaining to the effectiveness of Concept Mapping for these purposes, and a description of commercial products that support Concept Mapping and related activities. The main goal of this report is to identify and highlight areas of application of Concept Mapping for learning (training, knowledge sharing, etc.) and performance support (decision-aiding, knowledge preservation, etc.)
Mapping words technique is one activity to increase student’s writing skills in English. It often teach to be one of the most effective ways of integrating language skills in the language classroom. Though the terms ‘mapping words’ have been interpreted in many different ways by both teachers and textbook writers, both activities offer a flexible yet principled way of tailoring intergraded skills to learner needs.
Another very powerful use of Concept Maps is as an evaluation tool, thus
encouraging students to use meaningful-mode learning patterns (Novak & Gowin, 1984; Novak, 1998; Mintzes, Wandersee & Novak, 2000). Concept Maps are also effective in identifying both valid and invalid ideas held by students. This use will be discussed further in another section. They can be as effective as more time-consuming clinical interviews for identifying the relevant knowledge a learner possesses before or after instruction (Edwards & Fraser, 1983).
a. The effectiveness of the Mapping Words Technique according to the Experts
According to Ronald Charter in Vocabulary and Language Teaching (1988:12) states:
“The lists contain a word from the target language, either a synonym in that target language, or a translation in mother tongue, and these can be accompanied by a picture or some mean of graphic or other mnemonic representation”.
While according to Aston in an Interaction workbook (1982):
“Mapping Words activities can involve practice, especially, although by no means exclusively, where younger learners are involved”.
From the statements above the writer concludes that writing activities based on graphics are often a useful way of giving students valuable practices, either when they are in the classroom activities or out door activities. The relationship between the Mapping Words and its effect to improve student’s skill in writing.
5. The concept of mapping word The concept mapping word technique was developed by Prof. Joseph D. Novak at Cornell University in the 1960s. This work was based on the theories of David Ausubel, who stressed the importance of prior knowledge in being able to learn about new concepts. Novak concluded that "Meaningful learning involves the assimilation of new concepts and propositions into existing cognitive structures".
Concept mapping can be done for for several purposes:
a. to generate ideas (brain storming, etc.);
b. to design a complex structure (long texts, hypermedia, large web sites, etc.);
c. to communicate complex ideas;
d. to aid learning by explicitly integrating new and old knowledge;
e. to assess understanding or diagnose misunderstanding.
2. The method of teaching vocabulary using mapping word techniqu
There are some steps in applying this technique
a. Introduce the vocabulary word and the map to the students.
b. Teach them how to use the map by putting the target word in the central box.
c. Ask students to suggest words or phrases to put in the other boxes which answer the following questions: "What is it?" "What is it like?" and "What are some examples?"
d. Encourage students to use synonyms, antonyms, and a picture to help illustrate the new target word or concept.
e. Model how to write a definition using the information on the word map.
f. After each child completed their map they talked to me about it, on a one- to-one basis, and explained why they had connected certain words and ideas together.
6. The conceptual framework
Writing skills is the essential thing that support the student’s ability to master the foreign language. But the student’s writing skills mastery of the eleventh grade student of SMA Negeri 1 KALIWUNGU is still far from being satisfactory. It because of the teacher who does not have the creativity to learn english writing. The teacher should use interesting technique like the mapping words technique. The Mapping Words technique is a popular realted technique for the teacher. There is an easy way to know more information that the teacher learn.
Using the mapping technique and the description of its connections the children was able to make several assessments about their particular understandings; gain an awareness of the future needs of individuals; make an assessment overview of the whole class to help me plan future projects; help the children evaluate their own work; and it evaluate my own teaching.
7. Research Hypothesis
The writer tries to determine the hypothesis of the research, as follows :
1. There is a significant difference of the students’ vocabulary mastery in english learning between those who are taught by mapping word technique and those who are taught by using flash card.
2. The students who are taught by mapping techique have better in vocabulary mastery than those who are taught by using flash card.