Analisis text Argument

Rounded Rectangle: Name : Ida Damayanti
Npm : 1010302011
Class : A
 Popular Plastic Surgery

According to The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS), 770,913 plastic surgery procedures were carried out in 2010, putting South Korea seventh on a global list in terms of the total number of operations performed.   (1)
The most popular procedure is believed to be double eyelid surgery to make eyes look bigger and rounder, but an operation to produce a "small face," including liposuction and reconfiguring the jawbone, is the current fad.  (2)
“Many high school girls choose to get surgery after sitting for their college entrance exams, and plastic surgery clinics launch aggressive advertising campaigns to attract more people, including "mother and daughter" surgery packages. Others offer two procedures for the price of one”, said Shin Young-chul.   (3)
The state-run Korea Consumer Agency said the number of reported cases of side effects had surged to 4,043 in 2011, up from 1,698 in 2008.(4)  "Many plastic surgeons only highlight the positive side of cosmetic surgery. There have even been cases reported where doctors have had patients sign a consent form whilst on the operating table," said Kwon Seon-hwa, deputy manager at the consumer agency.   (5)
A rare poster campaign, "Against Plastic Surgery," was held in Seoul's ritzy Gangnam suburb, which has been dubbed the city's "beauty belt" due to the large number of clinics there.   (6)
"Deeply rooted cultural factors such as placing a high value on appearance because people judge others quickly -- in line with a Korean propensity for haste -- may play a role," said Shin Young-chul, a psychiatrist at Kangbuk Samsung Hospital in Seoul.   (7)

Analysis of the sentence
It can be checked at ISAPS
It can be checked at ISAPS
It is Shin Young-chul’s statement and needs further research to prove it.
It can be checked and it is The state-run Korea Consumer Agency’s statement
It is Kwon Seon-hwa’s statement and needs further research to prove it.
It can be checked in Seoul's ritzy Gangnam suburb
It is Shin Young-chul’s statement.

Contoh Proposal chapter 1


A.    Background of Study
As an international language, English has an important role in international relation. In this modern era, people demand to have more than one language. Language as a tool for communication takes an important role in our daily activities. Without communication, we will be left behind. Communication in foreign language is a bridge to get information, knowledge and culture. Indonesia as a developing country has realized that English as an International language is needed to be mastered by Indonesian people. It is one of developing countries that use English as the fiirst foreign language to be taught in schools. Firstly, it is taught to the fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students of elementary school.
English is essential to be taught for the younger people, for this case; students from the beginner up to the senior high school. In developing the students’ ability in mastering English, it cannot be separated from vocabulary mastery. Because it can be a measurement of students, understand in English. 
Teaching vocabulary can be done through some ways or some techniques. One of is by implementing of mapping words in teaching activities. In this case, students allow finding similar words, which has relationship to the main word. They can work in-group or individually. They learn to share knowledge and information about targeted content, and willingly do this because it is naturally following part of the class activity. By implementing the mapping word technique in teaching, indirectly, students might be improved their knowledge of English vocabulary. at least it will be raised their self-confidence for expressing themselves openly, especially in speaking practice. Students can share their knowledge and experience from others, including respectful listening and appropriate sharing of personal perspectives. Students also reported that their understanding of concepts were expressed and considered, at least we hope students can do not only in developing their vocabulary but also they are able to practice either in speaking or understanding of meaning of words. 
Derived from
The Researcher’s experience when she was conducted her research to the fourth grades of SD Negeri JURANGOMBO 1 MAGELANG, that the mapping words is a suitable technique for the students in secondary level for improving their vocabulary mastery. To be proved how far the mapping word could be influenced students’ vocabulary skill, in this paper the writer tries to elaborate everything related to the technique of implementing mapping words and its effect for increasing students’ vocabularies skill.

B. The Identification of The Problem
Based on the background of the study, The Researcher identifies the following problem in teaching vocabulary mastery in elementary school, they are :
1.      The students have difficulties to understand and memorize the meaning of english word.
2.      The students’ economic background does not support them in mastering The English Vocabulary.
3.      The english teacher has little creativity in using a teaching technique.
4.      The english teacher does not have a media for teaching english vocabulary.

C.  Limitation of Problem
The Researcher limits the study about “ The Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary  Mastery by Using Mapping Words Technique in SD Negeri Jurangombo 1 Magelang grade 4.” The limitation is based on some reason. In this paper, the writer focused to study about the effectiveness of the mapping word, apply in teaching learning activity to build up students’ vocabulary mastery.
The Researcher will compare between the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary by using mapping words learning technique and flash card by comparing these techniques, it will show one is better.

D.    The Formulation of The Problem
The problems of this research are formulated as the follows:
1.      Is there any significant differences in the students’ vocabulary skills in english learning when the teacher use mapping words technique with use flash card?
2.      Is the mapping word technique more effective to recover the lack ness of students’ vocabulary skills than flash card?
E.     The Objective of The Study
The objective of researches are :
1.      To know the differences of the students’ vocabulary skills in english learning between those who are taught with mapping words technique and those who are taught with flash card.
2.      To prove that the students whose english teacher uses mapping words thechnique have better in english learning than those whose the teacher uses flash card.

F.     The Significance of The Problem
This study is expected to bring benefit and advantages for the teacher and the students.
a.        For the teacher
1. The teacher can motive students to encourage their vocabulary through some models of the mapping word technique.
2. Teaching vocabulary by using mapping word technique is attractive and variously, so, it is able to improve student’s interest.
3. It might for students making sharing with their friend, about their favorite things that can be implemented in their class.
b.      For the students
1.      The students are able to increase their skill in writing indirectly.
2.      By applying descriptive text in teaching learning activity, hopes it can dig thestudent’s interest in English because the method is more fun and enjoy able.
3.      Students will be more attracted in learning English without under pressure feeling and forced.

Contoh RPP Order and Request

School                         : SD N KEDUNGSARI 2 MAGELANG
Subject                         : English
Class/Semester            : VI/II
Topic                           : Order and Request
Method                       : Contextual Learning
Time Allocation          : 2 x 35 minutes
       I.                        STANDARD COMPETENCE
-          Listening         : Understanding a very simple instruction with the activity in the class context.
-          Speaking         : Expressing a very simple instruction and information in the class context.
-          Writing            : Writing the vocabulary in the class context.

    II.                        BASIC COMPETENCE
-          Giving responses of intruction by doing in the class context
-          To have dialogue of asking or giving information involving speech act of asking information.
-          Writing a very simple sentence with vocabulary correctly.

 III.                        INDICATOR
-          Mention vocabulary about Order and Request.
-          Listen and repeat the teacher’s said about Order and Request.
-          Answer the question relate to the pictures of  Order and Request.
-          Practice how to write the question and answer about Order and Request.
-          Know how to make order and request

 IV.                        PURPOSES OF THE LEARNING
-          The students are able to mention vocabulary about Order and Request.
-          The students are able to listen and repeat the teacher’s said about Order and Request.
-          The students are able to answer the question relate to the pictures of Order and Request.
-          The students are able to practice how to write the question and answer about Order and Request.
-          The students are able to know how to make Order and Request.

    V.                        MATERIALS
-          Theme : Order and Request.

 VI.                        METHOD
-          Contextual Learning

VII.                        LEARNING METHOD

The teacher :
a.       Greet the students.
b.      Introduce the teacher to the students
c.       Check the students’ attendance.
d.      Say the basic competence which will be learned.
e.       Motivate the students by telling them that the material will be interesting.
5 minutes
Whilst activity
a.       The teacher asks the students about Order and Request.
b.      The teacher gives the vocabulary to the student Order and Request.

a.       The teacher explains kind of Order and Request. (listen and repeat)
b.      The students repeat the names of Order and Request based on the teacher said. (repeat)
c.       The teacher practice Order and Request.
d.      The teacher explains how to make Order and Request. (speaking)
e.       The teacher explains about prohibition.
f.       The teacher shows the picture about prohibition.

a.       The teacher corrects if there is any mistakes produced by students.
b.      The students do the exercises about Order and Request.
25 minutes
a.       The teacher reviews the material given together.
b.      The teacher concludes the material.
c.       The teacher gives feedback for the students.
d.      The teacher advises the students to remember the lesson today.
5 minutes

VIII.                        SOURCES
-          Internet
-          Dictionary
-          LKS Focus

 IX.                        ASSESSMENTS
-          Listening
Listen and answer the question about hobbies.
-          Writing test
Answer the question in the worksheet.

Magelang, 8th March 2013
English Teacher,                                                            Practician,

Destu Supardinah, S.Pd                                          Ida Damayanti

Known by,

Rini Estiowati I, S.S, M.Pd




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Contoh RPP Animals and Plants

School                         : SD N KEDUNGSARI 2 MAGELANG
Subject                        : English
Class/Semester            : 1/ll
Topic                           : Animals and Plans
Method                       : Contextual Learning
Time Allocation           : 1 x 35 minutes
       I.                        STANDARD COMPETENCE
-          Listening         : Understanding a very simple instruction with the activity in the class context.
-          Speaking         : Expressing a very simple instruction and information in the class context.
-          Writing            : Spelling and copying a very simple word and sentence in the class context.

    II.                        BASIC COMPETENCE
-          Responding a very simple instruction which is acceptable in the class context.
-          Responding a very simple instruction verbally.
-          Expressing simple words, phrases with the correct pronunciation and intonation in mention the Animals and Plants.
-          Copying and writing a very simple word correctly in the class context.

 III.                        INDICATOR
-          Mention some Animals and Plants.
-          Listen and repeat the teacher’s said about Animals and Plants.
-          Answer the question relate to the pictures of Animals and Plants.
-          Practice the simple dialogue about Animals and Plants.
-          Practice how to write the question and answer about Animals and Plants.
-          Match the words into a good picture of Animals and Plants with a game.

 IV.                        PURPOSES OF THE LEARNING
-          The students are able to mention vocabulary about Animals and Plants.
-          The students are able to listen and repeat the teacher’s said aboutAnimals and Plants.
-          The students are able to answer the question relate to the pictures of Animals and Plants.
-          The students are able to practice the simple dialogue about Animals and Plants.
-          The students are able to practice how to write the question and answer about Animals and Plants
-          The students are able to match the words into a good picture of Animals and Plants with a game

    V.                        MATERIALS
-          Theme : Animals and Plants

-          Short expression about hobbies.( asking and answer)
What is it/that/this?                 It/that/this is .....
Is it/that/this ...?                      Yes it/that/this is ....
                                                No, it/that/this is not.

 VI.                        METHOD
-          Contextual Learning

VII.                        LEARNING METHOD

The teacher :
a.       Greet the students.
b.      Introduce the teacher to the students
c.       Check the students’ attendance.
d.      Say the basic competence which will be learned.
e.       Motivate the students by telling them that the material will be interesting.
5 minutes
Whilst activity
a.       The teacher asks the students about Animals and Plants.
b.      The teacher shows the picture about Animals and Plants.
c.       The students repeat the name of Animals and Plants based on the pictures.

a.       The teacher explains kind of Animals and Plants based on the pictures. (listen and repeat)
b.      The students repeat the names of Animals and Plants based on the teacher said. (repeat)
c.       The teacher explains how to ask and answer about hobbies. (speaking)
What is it/that/this?    It/that/this is .....
Is it/that/this ...? Yes it/that/this is ....
            No, it/that/this is not.

d.      The teacher practices the question and answer about Animals and Plants with a game.
e.       The teacher puts the pictures on the board and asks the stutents to guess the name with match the names of Animals and Plants.
a.       The teacher points out the picture one by one and asks students to mention it.
b.      The teacher corrects if there is any mistakes produced by students.
c.       The students do the exercises by answering the question based on the picture.
25 minutes
a.       The teacher reviews the material given together.
b.      The teacher concludes the material.
c.       The teacher gives feedback for the students.
d.      The teacher advises the students to remember the lesson today.
5 minutes

VIII.                        SOURCES
-          Internet
-          Picture about
-          Dictionary

 IX.                        ASSESSMENTS
-          Listening
Listen and answer the question about Animals and Plants.
-          Writing test
Answer the question in the worksheet.

Magelang, 1st February 2013
English Teacher,                                                Practician,

Destu Supardinah, S.Pd                                                            Ida Damayanti

Known by,

Rini Estiowati I, S.S, M.Pd


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