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How to confidence you are as language learning? 

Speaking a new language can be an intimidating experience, as you feel nervous about communicating with words and sounds unfamiliar to you. Building your confidence requires time, patience and practice. Fortunately, you can use different techniques to gain confidence to speak English more quickly. However, you need to be proactive in your approach so your confidence grows from within.
Speaking English with confidence can be challenging sometimes, but with hard work and the right learning tools, it's possible. One good way of learning to speak English with confidence is getting some audiotapes from the bookstore, library or that specialize in teaching correct English grammar. Another good idea is to get help from an English tutor in you are.

1. Listen to other English speakers. Pay particular attention to how they say certain sentences and words and take a mental note of the conversations. Also watch English-language programs and listen to English-language radio to get an idea of how to speak English correctly.

2. Take some courses in English composition and grammar. Many colleges offer non-credit courses in English for students who need to refresh their English speaking skills. While taking the courses, be sure to get help from your professors when necessary and use your books to practice what you learned.

3. Talk to a speech therapist. This would especially be a good idea if you struggle with stuttering or if you have another type of speech impediment. Speech therapists help you in areas of tone, voice, pronunciation skills and other communication skills.

Nothing increases confidence in your ability to speak English like conversing in it with native-speakers. Unfortunately, this option is not available for everyone, such as people who live outside of an English-speaking country. In other cases, people might want to raise their confidence in their English abilities before attempting to communicate verbally with native-speakers. In any case, speaking English requires some prior knowledge that can only come through reading and listening to English. You can practice a variety of activities to boost your confidence in understanding and communicating in English.

With approximately 341 million native speakers worldwide, and a further 267 million people who speak it as a second language, English is one of the world's major languages. Due to its use as a lingua franca, or common language between speakers of different native languages, in business, the media and academia, there is high demand internationally for people who can speak English well. However, the irregular pronunciation and spelling of the language can shake students' confidence in their ability to speak English successfully. Practicing speaking English on a regular basis is a crucial way to build both confidence and fluency.

This is how the way to increase our confidence to learn English

1. Relax. If you put too much pressure on yourself to speak English perfectly, you create excess tension, and this will affect how you speak. Calm down so the words flow more easily.

2. Prepare. Allocate a specific conversation topic to review each week. Focus on building up a set of key phrases and vocabulary, so you can enter into the conversation more prepared. For example, take the subject of music. Learn how to describe your favorite bands, explain a gig or festival, and ask about other people's music preferences.

3. Practice what you know already so it becomes even more familiar to you. Your confidence will grow as the English you know becomes second nature. Set aside at least 30 minutes a day to repeat verb conjugations, difficult vocabulary or numbers, for example.

4. Watch English-speaking television shows or films. Surround yourself in the English language so you can recognize how words are pronounced and how sentences are formed. Repeat back words you hear to develop your speaking skills without the fear of people listening to you.

5. Get a English-speaking conversation partner and regularly meet up. Slowly build your confidence with the same person so you can learn to relax when speaking. Correct each other's mistakes, and exchange tips on improving your language skills.

6. Get an English teacher or take a course to get expert help in training your English skills. He will be able to help you with the areas you struggle in, thereby building your confidence.

Expressing yourself in a foreign language can be scary. Speaking is particularly terrifying, probably because we are convinced that the person we are speaking to is thinking ‘I have no idea what he just said', or ‘It's true – the French are terrible with foreign languages'. If you lack confidence when you speak English, try these exercises.

1. Practice writing first.

Before you take the big step of speaking, try expressing yourself in written English. You can share your thoughts without all the extra stress of speaking. Where can you practice? Thanks to the internet, there are thousands of forums for English learners, or websites where you can leave comments. Search for a website that interests you, or try one of these:

2. When you learn something new in English, say it out loud.

This may seem obvious, but you really need to speak to make progress. The more that you say a word or a phrase, the more comfortable you will feel. Use a good online dictionary with audio files, to learn how to pronounce the word. Copy the pronunciation as best you can, it doesn't have to be perfect. Then: repeat, repeat, repeat. When you have to speak English to a real person, the words and phrases will be much more natural for you.

3. Speak. To the mirror.

OK – I admit it – this sounds extremely silly. But speaking, even to yourself, is a great way to build confidence. When you have some time alone, stand in front of your mirror and practice your English. Introduce yourself. Talk about the weather. Ask the time. Ask and answer questions. Practice until you feel more comfortable. Don't be afraid to try this technique. If you start speaking out loud in English, you will soon notice how much more natural you are.

4. Speak. To a real person.

If you have made polite conversation with yourself, you are ready for the next step. Speak to a real person. In English. To start, you might find it less intimidating to speak to another English learner. Ask a friend, parent, sibling or colleague to talk with you in English for 10 – 30 minutes every week. Make general conversation, or choose a topic – for example "My Favourite Film" – and practice speaking, and asking and answering questions.

5. Speak. To a native English speaker.

Try to find a language exchange group in your town, where people meet to speak English. Often, you can find many English ex-patriots, who are looking to meet new people. If you are not feeling so courageous, you can start with something very simple. Try these inexpensive ways of speaking to an English speaker:
Call a hotel, and ask some questions about the services and prices.
Call a museum, art gallery, and ask about the opening times.
Call the tourist office of a town and ask for information.
Have a conversation lesson with an English teacher. Find one in your town, or on the internet who gives lessons via Skype. Lessons are not always expensive, especially if you ask for a short lesson (for example 20 minutes).

Start easy, and then slowly increase the difficulty. Most importantly, congratulate yourself on every effort you make to improve your English and to speak more confidently. Even if you make a big, stupid mistake, or the other person doesn't understand. Even if you stammer, hesitate, or make a bad joke (and nobody laughs). ‘Bad' experiences are just as important as ‘good' experiences on your English journey. Persevere, and appreciate every improvement you make, even the tiny ones.

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