Contoh RPP Animals and Plants

School                         : SD N KEDUNGSARI 2 MAGELANG
Subject                        : English
Class/Semester            : 1/ll
Topic                           : Animals and Plans
Method                       : Contextual Learning
Time Allocation           : 1 x 35 minutes
       I.                        STANDARD COMPETENCE
-          Listening         : Understanding a very simple instruction with the activity in the class context.
-          Speaking         : Expressing a very simple instruction and information in the class context.
-          Writing            : Spelling and copying a very simple word and sentence in the class context.

    II.                        BASIC COMPETENCE
-          Responding a very simple instruction which is acceptable in the class context.
-          Responding a very simple instruction verbally.
-          Expressing simple words, phrases with the correct pronunciation and intonation in mention the Animals and Plants.
-          Copying and writing a very simple word correctly in the class context.

 III.                        INDICATOR
-          Mention some Animals and Plants.
-          Listen and repeat the teacher’s said about Animals and Plants.
-          Answer the question relate to the pictures of Animals and Plants.
-          Practice the simple dialogue about Animals and Plants.
-          Practice how to write the question and answer about Animals and Plants.
-          Match the words into a good picture of Animals and Plants with a game.

 IV.                        PURPOSES OF THE LEARNING
-          The students are able to mention vocabulary about Animals and Plants.
-          The students are able to listen and repeat the teacher’s said aboutAnimals and Plants.
-          The students are able to answer the question relate to the pictures of Animals and Plants.
-          The students are able to practice the simple dialogue about Animals and Plants.
-          The students are able to practice how to write the question and answer about Animals and Plants
-          The students are able to match the words into a good picture of Animals and Plants with a game

    V.                        MATERIALS
-          Theme : Animals and Plants

-          Short expression about hobbies.( asking and answer)
What is it/that/this?                 It/that/this is .....
Is it/that/this ...?                      Yes it/that/this is ....
                                                No, it/that/this is not.

 VI.                        METHOD
-          Contextual Learning

VII.                        LEARNING METHOD

The teacher :
a.       Greet the students.
b.      Introduce the teacher to the students
c.       Check the students’ attendance.
d.      Say the basic competence which will be learned.
e.       Motivate the students by telling them that the material will be interesting.
5 minutes
Whilst activity
a.       The teacher asks the students about Animals and Plants.
b.      The teacher shows the picture about Animals and Plants.
c.       The students repeat the name of Animals and Plants based on the pictures.

a.       The teacher explains kind of Animals and Plants based on the pictures. (listen and repeat)
b.      The students repeat the names of Animals and Plants based on the teacher said. (repeat)
c.       The teacher explains how to ask and answer about hobbies. (speaking)
What is it/that/this?    It/that/this is .....
Is it/that/this ...? Yes it/that/this is ....
            No, it/that/this is not.

d.      The teacher practices the question and answer about Animals and Plants with a game.
e.       The teacher puts the pictures on the board and asks the stutents to guess the name with match the names of Animals and Plants.
a.       The teacher points out the picture one by one and asks students to mention it.
b.      The teacher corrects if there is any mistakes produced by students.
c.       The students do the exercises by answering the question based on the picture.
25 minutes
a.       The teacher reviews the material given together.
b.      The teacher concludes the material.
c.       The teacher gives feedback for the students.
d.      The teacher advises the students to remember the lesson today.
5 minutes

VIII.                        SOURCES
-          Internet
-          Picture about
-          Dictionary

 IX.                        ASSESSMENTS
-          Listening
Listen and answer the question about Animals and Plants.
-          Writing test
Answer the question in the worksheet.

Magelang, 1st February 2013
English Teacher,                                                Practician,

Destu Supardinah, S.Pd                                                            Ida Damayanti

Known by,

Rini Estiowati I, S.S, M.Pd

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